Morrow Food

Web Development, Social Media Management & Logo Deisgn

The Project


Morrow App is an online food ordering platform. It highlights pre-order. By preordering meals or dishes, a customer gets a better price while the restaurant can better plan and produce food in an efficient way, without food waste. It is good for the customer and even better for the restaurant and the environment.


For Morrow Food, we revitalized their website to complement their existing food app, making it more dynamic and visually appealing to both merchants and consumers. Our redesign focused on creating an engaging user experience with intuitive navigation, vibrant visuals, and interactive elements. By enhancing the aesthetic and functional aspects of the site, we aimed to attract and retain visitors, making the platform more enticing for merchants to showcase their products and for consumers to explore and purchase. This strategic enhancement not only improves user satisfaction but also drives increased traffic and sales, reinforcing Morrow Food’s brand presence in the competitive food industry.

Project Tour



